Let's Do It!

Ready To Start Your 30 Day FREE Trial?

Get started and explore our Quick Start Guide below
Step #1

Check Your Email

Download our plugin files & get your license key

Check your email for the order confirmation with your license key and a link to download the latest WC Plus plugin files.

Download the files to your computer and keep the email handy. Remember not to unzip the files.

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Step #2

Clean Your Website

Disable/remove plugins & functions.php code that may cause issues

If you’re using plugins or custom functions.php file code to customize your checkout page, like multi-step features or layout changes, please deactivate or remove them. This will prevent any compatibility issues with WC Plus.

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Step #3

Install WC Plus Plugin

Upload the WC Plus plugin files to your WordPress website

Go to ‘Plugins’ in your WordPress dashboard and select ‘Add New Plugin’.

Click ‘Upload Plugin’, then choose the WC Plus plugin .zip file you downloaded.

After it’s uploaded, click ‘Activate’.

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Step #4

Activate Your License

Use your unique license key to active the WC Plus plugin

After installation, you’ll usually go straight to the ‘Get Started’ page of WC Plus. If not, find the ‘WC Plus’ link in your dashboard.

Enter your unique license key and click ‘Activate’. If it’s valid, the page will refresh and show ‘Activated’.

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Step #5

Choose Your Layout

Choose from 3 available layout options

After your license has been activated, head on over to the ‘Layouts’ page to set and enable your chosen layout.

Here you can see a preview of each one including links to example websites. Alternatively, check out our demo page here to see them in action.

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Step #6

Set Your branding

Add your logos, colors & more

Now that your layout is set, let’s start with the fun stuff and personalize your new checkout experience.

Head over to the ‘Branding & Colors’ section and go through each tab where you can define the header logo, color’s used, and more.

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Step #7

Set Your KSP's

Make your business stand out with your key selling points

Now that your branding is set, and your checkout matches your main website colours it’s time to showcase the why factor.

Head over to the ‘KSP’s’ section and set your 3x header KSP’s, payment stage, and any sidebar content such as FAQ’s, reviews and more.

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Step #8

Configure the extras

Address autocomplete? Savings summary? Cart control on checkout?

Now that your KSP’s are set, its time to review and decide what extras you would like to enable on your checkout.

Head over to the ‘Options’ section and review & enable your desired extras, including Savings Summary, address autocomplete, and more.

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Step #9

Setup Your Cart

Choose from either a pop up or sidebar / slide in cart!

Now that your checkout page extras are all set; it’s time to configure your cart.

This is completely optional.

Head over to the ‘Cart’ section, and enable your preferred cart style & settings. Then copy the advised shortcode and place it in your website header where you want it to be displayed.

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Step #10

Final Checks

Complete end to end testing

Now that your cart is setup (if you enabled it). It’s time to review all the available functions that WC Plus has to offer and enable anything you may not have seen during this quick-start process.

Before sending any traffic to your website, please test your cart & checkout by submitting multiple test orders.